Maverick is a tuxedo adventure cat from the San Francisco Bay Area in California, who travels with his human to explore this beautiful world.  First they traveled in a Thor Majestic 19G RV, but then they upgraded to a new, custom-converted Sprinter van in 2019, which is much more road friendly and gets better fuel mileage. Maverick and his now retired human moved to Washington state in February 2021 and are spending a lot more time discovering new places!

How It Started

Maverick was born on March 22, 2016, and sadly found abandoned on the streets of San Jose, California, with his three litter mates by 13th Street Cat Rescue. Luckily this adorable, but somewhat apprehensive and shy, bicolor kitten was adopted by former band manager and music promoter Barb Rocks in September that same year, finding his forever home. Even though the rescue shelter had given him the name Wyatt, he wasn’t responding to that name, so his new human read through a list of “outlaw” names in alphabetical order to find a more suitable one. When she read the name Maverick out loud, this floofy kitten meowed loudly in approval. To ensure this wasn’t a random outburst, she said the name again and was once again greeted with a meow. She continued through the rest of the names without any responses, then said Maverick for a third time, to which another instant meow was given. Seems this newly adopted kitten picked his own name, knowing he was meant for great things with his independent and bold spirit.

Because Maverick’s human mom (aka Meowmy) wanted to travel but didn’t want to leave her precious cat at home, she decided to see if he could handle some road trips. Their first outing was a day trip to the coast where Maverick took to his leash quickly and explored the cliffside with eagerness and without fear. This proved that Maverick wasn’t just the perfect companion, but also a natural adventure cat, exactly what Meowmy was hoping for. They’ve traveled over 40,000 miles together in 7 states, with lots more adventures to come!


For the first few years, Meowmy blogged about all their travels together. Figuring the storyline would be much more interesting from a cats point of view, the Majestic Maverick cat blog was created to document those journeys with beautiful pictures. Realizing how much time blogging took, Meowmy hasn’t been great on creating new content since 2020 because she would rather be out exploring and living life than spend time on the computer. She might post some blog content again in the future, but your best bet is to follow along on social media to see their explorations, especially on Instagram. Links to the social media sites are below, so is the blog summary.


Thank you for following Maverick and his adventures!